Quality Time With The Group

A few weeks ago, our group finally had the time to take out of our busy schedules to meet and get to know each other a bit more.  Since our international paper was focused on the country Ethiopia, we thought it was a good idea to go to an authentic Ethiopian restaurant and immerse ourselves in the Ethiopian culture and cuisine.

It was our first time spending time together out of an office setting, and we all enjoyed each others company.  Not only did we learn a lot about the Ethiopian culture and cuisine from the few hours we sat together at the restaurant, we also learned a lot about each other.

Our group connected seamlessly with each other, as if we had known each other for a lot longer than four months.  We all come from very different backgrounds, and we all embraced each other for who we are.

The Sunday before our presentation, the group decided to meet and hang out at Igor’s house.  Our main goal was to prepare for our presentation for the next day, and work together to create an awesome PowerPoint

.  Not only did we accomplish that task, but we also hung out for over 4 hours, chatting about our goals, careers, and futures.  We bonded over food, music, a few mutual friends that we happened to have, and of course this class!

We have developed a friendship that will go beyond the scope of this course, and for that, we are all thankful.

ohh.. and I forgot to mention we had some awesome Wat and Injera along the way!


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